Thursday, November 22, 2007

I have so much to be thankful for...

I have always loved Thanksgiving, but I have never thought about what all I do have that I need to be thankful for. This has been on my mind more so this year than ever before. I feel like I am always thankful and I do thank God every time I pray, but this year, around this time, it has hit me hard that I need to be so thankful because I have more than I could ever have imagined. God has blessed me more than I could ever sufficiently thank him for!

I went to our church service, which was held on Tuesday night, so we all could have Wednesday to start preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday. I enjoyed it being on Tuesday night and I also thoroughly enjoyed the service. There weren't a lot of people in attendance, but that didn't matter because our church family is so close that we are actually like a big family. We all shared what we were thankful for this year. Each of us had a chance to speak and most everyone took that opportunity to share their thoughts of Thanksgiving. Just hearing everyone tell what they were thankful for made me really realize how much I have to be thankful for.

I am so thankful for Christ, more so right now in my life than ever before. He has brought me so far and held my hand through so much. I do not deserve what all He has done for me, but, boy am I thankful that He chose to do all of that for me!

I am so thankful for my family. They are so loving and we are all so close. My parents help us out whenever we need it and never turn us down. My mom is there for me, day in and day out, to take care of Lilly, so I can work to help us out financially. This is something that I appreciate more than she will ever know! Josh and I are also blessed with his wonderful parents, who are very accepting of our life and never cease to be supportive in all our efforts. I realize there are people out there who do not have parents like we have.

I am thankful for Josh, my husband, who works so hard to provide for Lilly and I. He is so good at what he does and his work ethic is stronger than mine will ever be. He has finally found a great job and we are so thankful for that, because he has worked jobs that were extremely hard on him and our family. I appreciate what he does for us more than he will ever know.

I am so very thankful that Lilly is as healthy, smart, vibrant, beautiful, loving, helpful, tenderhearted, and happy as she is. I can't believe how much she has grown and everyday I am amazed at what she is learning and doing. I am also thankful that she is strong willed, because I do believe that will help her later in her life. It does drive me crazy right now, though! :)

I am very thankful for our church family and our new friendships that we have developed. These two things are so important to help one live their life for Christ just a little better. We are all just trying to do our best for God, never measuring up to what we should be. These loving people at church help me to really do the best I can!

I am thankful that my Grandmother, dad's mother, has been given another year so that we might show her how much we love her. She is scared of death and it makes me sad for her. I pray that she can gain more peace in this time she has left on this earth. She is headed to a far better place!

I am thankful for the road of adoption that God is leading us down. I never imagined that this would be something that we would really pursue, but, boy am I thankful that we are pursuing it! I am so thankful that my husband has embraced the desire that I have to grow our family this way. I am thankful for the peace that God has given me about this process.

There are so many other things that I am thankful for, but we would be here all day and night if I listed them all. I just wanted to share a few of them with my faithful readers. I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving and holiday season!

With much love,
Anna Leigh

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