Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Visit from Muffy and Poppy!

Lilly got to see her Muffy and Poppy on Monday night. Most of you are probably wondering who Muffy and Poppy are... they are Josh's parents. They have been living in Germany for over a year and we rarely get to see them now. Lilly has always been crazy about her Muffy! Muffy will play with Lilly all day long everytime she sees her. They took us out to eat at Olive Garden on Monday night. Our dinner was great and Lilly got a few gifts from them. They gave her the cutest Cinderella dress up gown. Lilly has worn that almost everyday since Monday. She also got some new clothes that are so cute.

I have to tell this funny story...

Yesterday she got to spend the afternoon with Muffy again because she was in town and wanted to keep her for my mom while I worked. Lilly was getting ready at my mother's house to go see Muffy and she was going through my mom's jewelry box. Mother had told Lilly several days ago that one day, when she died Lilly could have all that jewelry. Lilly told mom that she liked that but didn't want mom to die soon. Well, as she went through the jewelry yesterday she picked out a bracelet that she liked. Mom told her to put it back. Lilly argued with her because she wanted to wear it for Muffy. Mom agreed and told her she could but she would have to give it back as soon as Muffy saw it on her. Lilly frowned, like she does so well, and said, "Well, I can have it now... it doesn't matter, you about to die anyway!" My mother laughed hysterically but Lilly kept on frowning because she did not think she had said anything funny. She was serious! My child comes up with the most amazing things to say, as I am sure all of yours do too.

I hope you all have a blessed day!

An adoption update: we almost have everything ready with the application packet to turn it in. Our goal is to turn it in on Monday. I do not know how long it takes to be officially accepted to the program. I am praying it only takes a week or two. Please pray for this as I am nervous until I know we have been officially accepted and we are on our way to our home study.

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