Sunday, October 28, 2007

We turned in our application...

We have done it! We got everything completed on our adoption application and Josh turned it in on Thursday to Laura at Catholic Family Services. I do not know how long it takes to find out if we were accepted to the program. I am afraid that it will take awhile because the application has to go to the Birmingham office to be reviewed by the top guy there and then we will hear something. I have heard that it is all formality, but I am nervous until I know that we have been accepted. I guess once we have been accepted, I will know for sure that we are doing this. I will know that we aren't just talking about doing it. I mean, I think about doing things for the Lord all the time and I don't follow through with them. I don't want this to be like that. I want to adopt a child for myself and for my family, of course, because I want another child. But, I also feel that God chose me to adopt, so I could do it for Him. "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, My brethern, you did it to Me." (Matthew 25:40) In fact, I want to do this for Him.

This is testing my faith and trust in God. I am praying everyday that we are doing this because He wants us to and has planted this in my heart and not just because I want us to. I talked to a close friend on Thursday because I was anxious about turning in the application and handing over the money to apply and not knowing, for sure, that we would be accepted. This friend, who has been through this process, reminded me of something very important that I needed to hear and it convicted me. God is in control of this whole process!! I can't tell you how comforting that is for me to hear. I can't imagine not believing that God was in control. I know that I have been through some rough times, but I also know that I am happier now that I have been in two years. I believe that God brought me through all the struggles with wanting another baby to make me depend on Him, which would make me happier. My friend reminded me that it didn't matter how long it took to get approved, or even if we were accepted by this particular agency or not, because when God wanted this to happen it will. She fully believes, just as I do, that the Lord already has a baby picked out for our family, who will fit perfectly with us. She learned this through her own difficult experience with adoption. I felt like the world had been lifted off my shoulders when I hung the phone up that afternoon.

I must remember... God is in control of when we get our baby. I feel like He is teaching me how to pray about something and truly let go of it. This is a lesson that I needed to learn. God knows me so well that He has picked me for this.

Please continue to be in prayer for us through this process. Once we are approved, we will have a second meeting with the social worker and find out when we can begin our home study. Thank you to all of you who ask me about this process all the time and to those of you who come to me with your encouraging stories of adoption. You don't know how much that means to me. I feel that you are sent by God to remind me that He is taking care of this and to show me that I can do this.


Kelley said...

Congrads on completing the next step and also for keeping a Godly attitude toward this process! God is good.

Anna said...

I know you are so happy to have that step behind you! By the way, you have been tagged. Read my blog to learn more. Love ya!

momx2 said...

That is wonderful. We are praying it all goes smoothly :)

Rebekah D. said...

I think it's awesome that you are choosing to recognize God's hand in all of this. Often we don't realize how events are all part of God's plan until after the challenge is all over, so I think it's a real blessing when we can see His plan unfold while we're going through it. I think about y'all often and the winding road to parenthood you have had to take, and I pray for you all as you add to your family.